Spring Maintenance for Your Exterior

It’s always in your best interest to take care of and maintain your exterior painting as much as possible! Let’s dive into some of the simplest ways to keep your exterior looking new and fresh.

Pressure Washing

One terrific opportunity to really restore your exterior painting’s original shine and luster has to do with pressure washing frequently. Not only is this a great way to get rid of the dust and dirt that is immediately obvious, it takes care of those areas that aren’t so evident. For example, the pollen that can build up on the facade of your home. The pollen and dirt can cause your home to age before its time.

Deck Repairs and Upkeep

A thorough wash may be all it needs, but if your deck has loose boards, cracks, or decay, it might be time for some repairs. If this is the case, start with a pressure wash. If the wood is soft and spongy, these boards need replacing. If the paint or topcoat has worn away, a fresh coat of paint or waterproof coating may be in order. It’s good to address these issues in the Spring, then you can enjoy your refreshed deck all Summer long.

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Exterior paint brings the ultimate refreshment to the exterior of your home. Not only does it look nice, it protects your homes siding from potential damage or rot. Look for signs of chipping or peeling paint. You may need a touch-up or a fresh coat. If you plan to hire a professional, like Van Isle Paint in Victoria, BC, book your project this Spring so it’s completed before the end of Summer.

For any additional questions related to home maintenance, contact the professionals at Van Isle Paint. We are happy to answer questions, provide a free estimate, and we leave you with results you’re happy with.


Van Isle Paint

Victoria, BC, and Beyond

(250) 412-3885

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